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10% 100% 12% 14.5% 18% 2007 200ml 4.2% 4.3% 42% 44.7% 500ml 50cl 7.2% 75cl ABV aged ages alcohol Ale Allier Angostura apple apples aroma aromas background Baguette baked Barn beer bit bitter Bitters bittersweet black body Brandy bright chilled chocolate Cider coloured Commando Cotleigh Crisp dark deliver Dry finish flavour flavours fridge fruit fruitiness fruity Golden hints ice juice Kingston little malty Medium medium-dry mocha Mount Neck oak old Owl packed palate pale perfectly premium Pullins Quantock red refreshing rich Riley Ripe rolled Seahawk served Shipwreck smooth soft Somerset straight Sweet traditional Tricky vanilla Wills wine Wira Woodhenge word