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All Red Wines

All Red Wines

see our list of fine Red Wines; chosen from the finest that Bordeaux and Burgundy have to offer, along with some eclectic offers from further afield, including Lebanon and New Zealand, and great value every day drinking reds.

All Red Wines

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12% 12.5% 13% 13.5% 14% 2009 75cl aged alcohol Anise Aromas attractive balanced barrels big black blackberry blackcurrant body bold Bordeaux Cabernet Cadet caramel cassis cedar character characters Chateau Cheeses cherries cherry chocolate Classic coffee complex dark deep delicious delivers displays Dona dried drinking dry duck easy elegant Estate famous fine finish flavours French fresh fruit hint hints Hubert juicy Label leather lifted long lovely Malbec Marcel Mcguigan Merlot morello Noir nose notes oak palate Paula pepper Pinot plum raspberry Red refined rich ripe Shiraz silky smooth soft South Southern spice spicy structure style subtle sweet tannins texture value wine