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Pullins Bakery

Pullins Bakery

Pullins produce their award winning breads in Yatton, just outside Bristol. Choose from their superb overnight White Loaf through to their Sour Doughs and French Sticks.

Also popular are Pullins Cheese and Olive Twists, ideal served warm with your favorite drink!


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300g 400g 500g amounts anniversary Baguette baked bite blend box Cake care celebration Cheddar Cheese Christmas Cold Country crisp crowned cut Cuts deliciously distilled distinctive dough drinks finest flat flavour flour forgetting French Fruit fruits generous Glenfarclas Glenfiddich heart Highlands hints icing indulgent infused linger Loaf lovely malt marzipan Mature nip old Olive Olives packed party pieces present presentation presented Pullins rolled Scotch Single Skillfully Speyside spices stale starts steeped Stick Strathspey sugar till tin tin.  toasties traditional traditionally Walkers Whisky white wholemeal