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Cheddars - Traditional Truckles

Cheddars - Traditional Truckles

For many people, the best cheddars aren't aged in plastic! Real cheddar is carefully wrapped in layers of cloth and aged in a cave so that it releases moisture and develops a deep concentration of flavor. If this is how you like your Cheddar, see our selection of Cloth Bound Cheddar Truckles here.  

Ideal for catering, partys, or entertaining, or as a gift for the Cheese fiend! Here you will find our selection of Cloth Bound Cheddars, either individual Cheeses, or large pieces, cut from large 20kg+ Truckles.


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100g 200g 500g 70cl 75cl aged Ale baked balanced Biscuits Black blend Blue box Brandy butter Cake Cheddar cheese chocolate Christmas Cider classic coffee Coles Cookies copper Cottage Country cream creamy Cut delicious Delight dessert Devon distinctive Drink English family farm Fine finest finish flavour Fruit Fruits full-bodied gift hard honey ice ingredients Italian lemon light Long matured mellow methods milk modern months natural Old Organic original packed perfect presented pudding quality recipe Red rich rind Scottish served sharp small smooth Soft Somerset special Spices still style sugar sweet taste tea texture traditional Traditionally Truckle unique Walkers whisky Wine wonderful