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Cheese Selections for 4-6

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! This range will provide enough Cheese for 4-6 people.


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100 100g 18% 1934 20% 20.5% 200G 215g 37.5cl 375g 5pc 75cl 90g accompany acknowledged addition additional Advocate Affidélice Affidelice Affine after-dinner age Aged ages aging alarmed All-British all-butter almond amiss aperitif aroma aromas aromatic arrive Artisan Assorted baked between Biscuits bottle Bottled Century Chablis Cheddar Cheese Chocolate concentrated drink Easter Egg Eggs English Epoisses exhibit finest flavour flavours fruit fruity Gift greater Hole Late Lbv Lindor Lindt lovers milk Mini natural nutty Old perfect personalities Pistachio Port Ports Quinta rich single smooth soft spicy style sweetness taste tasted tawnies Tawny Taylor's Taylors topped type Vintage White Wine wonderful Wookey