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Cheese Selections for 6-8

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! Choose from "Best from the West", to English Classics, and "All the Blues" amoungst others. This selection will satisfy 6-8 people with a little left over!


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Cheese  > Cheese Selections > Cheese Selections for 6-8 (2 items)
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12% 13% 150g 2009 250g 390g 42% 60% 70cl 75cl alive ample aromas average big blackberry blend blended bold Cartmel Champagne clear Clotted Cognac coming complex Cream Cream!  crisp cutting datey delicately deliciously Eaux-de-vie exclusively expression fatty feel finesse flavours floral foods fruit fruity given gooseberry Grande highly Hine hints honey individual irresistible jasmin life life Clotted long months mouth nose oil old olive palate palette particularly perfect Petite Points Pol portion powerfully Pudding Rare Raspberry reach recommended regions releases Reserve reveals rich Roger sauce savoury served sharing. Best smoky smoothness Spartico Spectator sponge Sticky through Toffee Vintage Vsop wine winter with our