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Chilean Wine

A source of fantastic value everyday wines, Argentina is developing a reputation for fine wines too, especially its rich, deep Malbecs. 

Argentinian Wine

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14% 2011 75cl aerating aged Alluvia Alto Argentina's aromas attractive award background barrels black blackcurrant boundaries Cabernet Challenge characteristic cherry Chile chocolatey complexity decanting delicious delightful dinner displays Dona Doña dried enjoying estate estate's expression Finca first flagship flavour flavours Franc French front fruit generosity genuinely gone Gran grape Grapes Gualtallary Hacienda herb interesting International juicy kind leaf licorice Maipo Malbec medal natural oak palate party Paula plum proud purity pushed raspberry recommends redcurrant room round Sauvignon signature Silver simple soft sourced Sulphites sulphur sweet table tannins Teillery temperature tomato Uco Ugarteche Valley variety vineyards wine winery winning