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Cutting Pies, Pork Pies

Cutting Pies, Pork Pies

Pork Pies, with a rich pastry crust, savoury jelly and fine meat filling are one of the great picnic and party foods. Versatile too; add a leafy green salad, and some chutney or pickle to make a tasty meal in minutes! Available in small individual Pies, or larger pies suitable for entertaining.

Cutting Pies, Pork Pies

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1.8KG 1800g 180g 445g 450g 454g added Cheddar and superb award awesome Beers best West better boxes Chicken Christmas Chunk chunks Chutney Chutneys Classic complex Country Cranberry crisp crispy Cut encased experience flavour flavours Game gets Ham handmade herbs in. Why jelly local lovely meat mixed mixes natural packed parties Partner partys pastry Pastry. Partner Pickles picnics Pie Pies Ploughmans Pork range real rustic spices taste tick ticks treat tuck Turkey winning wrapped