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Air Dry Hams, Bacons and Ham

Air Dry Hams, Bacons and Ham

Parma Ham, Serrano Ham, local Bacons and more.

Air Dry Hams, Bacons and Ham

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 Our 115g 140g 200g 250g 500G 80g adapted Air antipasti apple asparagus assortment Bacon baked bashful Bastides beech bellies between big bold bone border Bramley breakfast breasts British butties Cacciatore Campo Casademont Caula chicken coin consumer convenient Coppa country Curado cure cured curing Cut delicate delicious Denahy Denhay Dorset dried Dry dryed eat egg English ensures entertaining expect fantastic figs fillets Fine flavours freezing fresh gently green ham herbs herds honey involves Italian Jamon loins massaged Melon mixture nitrite oven Parma perfect Picnics pork Quality Salamis salmon salt sea Serrano served slices Smoked starter Streaky suitable taste unique wood wrapped