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All Christmas Lines

All Christmas Lines

a list of all Xmas lines for you to choose from; gifts for all tastes and budgets.

All Christmas Lines

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14.5% 1kg 20% 200g 500g 75cl almonds Awards baked Bay beautiful Bishop Black blue Bottle Box Brandy Butter cake Ceramic Cheddar Cheese cheeses Cherry Chocolate Chocolates Christmas Classic Clawson Coles Cottage cream creamy Cropwell Cut dark Delicious Delight dinner drink family Famous festive Fine finest flavour flavours Fonseca fresh Fruit fruits Gift gifts Ginger Gold Hamper Jar Jars Lambertz large Liqueur long lovely Lyme Marzipan Mature milk nice orange packed Pate perfect Port Ports presentation Presented Pudding Quality Red rich smooth Snowdonia soft spices Stilton Stollen style Sugar sweet taste texture Tin traditional treat Truckle value Vintage whisky white Wine