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Pasturised Cheeses

Pasturised Cheeses

Pasturised Cheeses, ideal for young and old, and recommended for women who are pregnant. Its argued that the Pasturisaton process destroys key bacteria that are lost to the cheese maker, so if youre outside the groups above, plonk for a Unpasturised Cheese and enjoy its fuller flavour.


Pasturised Cheeses

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1kg 200g 250g 2kg 400g 500g acidic appeal apples beautifully bigger bit block boiled brown Brunost Burgundy caramel caramelization Cheddar cheddars Cheese Children chutneys cows creamy crunchy deep delicious deliciously distinct distinctive Ekte enjoyed enrobed excess fabulous farm's fills firm flavor flavour flavoured flavourful Flotemysost fresh fudge-like Geitost gift Gjetost goat's Goats Godminster Godminster's Godminsters green Gudbrandsdalen guide Gutbrandsdalen hate Heart hence herd ines introduction kinds learn light lighter love loved lovely Marmite medium Mild mildly milk Moister mouth Norway Norwegian oatcakes occurs organic perfect popularity presented pressure pure range regular round Scandinavians sweet texture Truckle unique Vintage wax Wines