Cornish Food & Drink

Cornish Food & Drink (49)

At The Cheese and Wine Shop we have a great range of products from the West Country; click here to view all that's best from Cornwall. Great Cheeses, along with Preserves, Fudge and Chocolates, and of course, Gins, Pastis and Great Pasties!

Devon Products

Devon Products (86)

At The Cheese and Wine Shop we have a great range of products from nearby Devon. Great Cheeses, along with Preserves, Fudge and Chocolates.

Dorset Products

Dorset Products (75)
See our selection of Dorset products here; Ciders, Cheeses and a lot more!

Somerset Products

Somerset Products (112)

See all thats best from Somerset; from great Chocolates to Ciders, Beers and stunning Cheeses. Most famous for our Cheddar, Somerset also produces superb Bries and Caemebert.