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The Best of Taste

The Best of Taste

The Best of Taste have been beavering away for over 10 years in the heart of rural Shropshire making the most sumptuously fruity Fruit Coulis Dessert Sauces. Coulis are perfect with Ice Cream, Waffles, Fuit Salad or use as a base for Savoury Sauces. They are also perfect for making elegent Desserts, using a small amount of Raspberry Coulis under a portion of Chocolate Tart adds a wonderful contrast.

The Best of Taste

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300g 625g a praline andf apple aromatic bases Belgian Biscuits box Cantuccini cheese cider covered crumbly D`O d`o's range Dorset Duc Fancy Favorite Favourite flavour fresh Handmade King’s Kings local lovely washed-rind lovers Mini partners perfect perhaps praline rind Santo Seggiano shell showcases smell soft Thia Truffle Tuscany variety Vin washed