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100 100g 12.5% 18% 2000 600ml 75cl accompany aged alternative and medium-bodied approachable Basil Belle Biscuits Blue body Bottled Britain British cedar celebrated cellar Champagne charms Cheese cheeses chilled chocolate chunks classy Clawson combination course Crusted cuvée Dairy defunct delicate delicious desserts dictates Epoque extremely finer finest flattering flavour flavours Fleur following Fresh fruits Grate hints.  internationally is a Jouet king Late LBV lighter Long national nibbles nicely Pepper perfect Perrier Perrier-Jouet plum Port prestige puts raisin Red resist rich richness ripe robust Roquefort Savoury shortbread Smith smooth soft Soup Stilton stint style sweet tangy tannins thick Tomato Vintage warm wood Woodhouse