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12-18 12.5% 125g 350G 4-6 6-8 75cl 8-12 Accompanied additions Almond and and Apple approachable Apricot apricots arounda Artisan average Banana bananas base Belle better Biscuit Blackcurrant Blue Blue Cheeses breadcrumbs buttercream Cake cakes Caster cellar Champagne chantilly charms Cheddars Choc Chocoholics Chocolate chopped classy Clotted Coffee Coulis Cream creamy creme Crunch crust Custard cuvée Damsel Damsels delcious delicate delicately delicious Delight dessert Drizzle Epoque fashioned forget Fruit fruits Ginger golden Lavender Lemon light Lightest Loaf lovely mixture mousse old pastry Pie recipe rich rolled Roularde Serve Serves shortcrust special spiced Sponge Sticky syrup tangy Tart topped Treacle Tree Wafers Walnut whipped