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100g 12.5% 150g 160g 200g 260g 75cl 800g 90g Almond Apples approachable Babich barrel Beech`s Beechs Belgian Belle best milk Bitter bodied box Brazil cellar Champagne charms Chocolate Chocolates citrus classy Coated Coffee cooked covered Crisp cuvée Dark dark chocolate decorated delicate Delicious delights dinner dry Epoque example extremely feeling fermented fine finer Finest finish finnish flattering flavours Fleur following Fruits gift gifts Gris Hand impeccably indulgent Jouet layers lift long luxury Madeira Marlborough Marzipan medium Milk natural nectarine nose Nuts partially partners paste pears perfect Perrier Perrier-Jouet persistent Pinot Plum Plums positioned pralines and Premier presentation prestige resist soft style treat value