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Cheddars, Bries and Blues, they are all here, along with some more unusual Cheeses. As British Cheesemakers enjoy a renaissance, there isnt a better time to enjoy Cheeses from our local Somerset Farms, and noteworthy cheeses from further afield.


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13% 375ml 5.5% 75cl accompaniment addition area areas attractive baked balance batches bite blue board Botrytis bread breakfast breakfast-style butter cheese cheesecake chocolate cinnamon cold combining commercially complexity contract copper Cottage creamy crème crumpets cuts D`Asti delicious Delight desserts dollop drizzled Duck e.g elegance exotic favourite Figs finest firm fragrant fraiche Fresh freshness fruit Fruits Gammon glazing grapes Grilled growers ham hand-made honey hot ingredients Jam Langhe Lehman light long luscious Marmalade mascarpone mixed Moscato natural Orange pairs pans Parma Passion Passionfruit peach perfect Peter Piemonte Piemontese pistachios prime pudding puddings quality Raisined San served Sharp small sweet taste wine