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Sauces, Pastes & Aromats


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Grocery > Sauces, Pastes & Aromats (27 items)
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10-year-old 36% 6pc 70cl 75cl ancient aroma aromas base bevel bodied Brandy bright Burgundian-style Cape Carafe central clean clear complex cone crisp darker Decanter definitely distinct dried drink earthy enhanced exhilarating experience family favourite finish flat flavors flavour flavours focus follow fresh friends fruit fruity full-bodied fun gifts Glass Grapes hills Kwv Latour light light-bodied light-ruby lingering Louis meat medium movement Noir nose notes nuances nutty Old palate Pinot point port Provence provides quirky red region releases rock Rocking rosé rotational Sagaform sharing silicon smoke sourced spicy spin stimulating style substance subtle suggests surface talking They`re unique value wine wobble