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Sauces, Pastes & Aromats


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Grocery > Sauces, Pastes & Aromats (27 items)
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10-year-old 12% 36% 70cl 75cl ancient Aperitif aroma aromas Blanc bodied Brandy bright Burgundian-style Cape clean clear complex crisp darker delightful distinct Dona dried earthy enhanced finish flavors flavours focus follow fresh fruit fruity full-bodied grapefruit Grapes hills intense Kwv Latour light light-bodied light-ruby lime lingering Louis meat medium Noir nose notes nuances nutty Old palate passion Paula Pinot port Provence red region rosé Sauvignon Seafood smoke sourced spicy style substance subtle suggests sweet tannins Valmoissine value Var Vars Vermeil Vin wine wisp yellow