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1. Drinks > Fortified Wines > Port > Aged Ports (18 items)
2. By Brand > Cottage Delight > All Cottage Delight Products (6 items)
3. By Brand > Cottage Delight (100 items)
4. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Cakes & Biscuits (8 items)
5. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Christmas Bakery (48 items)
6. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Easter (2 items)
7. Easter  > Chocolate Easter Eggs  > Easter Eggs by Brand > Cottage Delight Easter Eggs (4 items)
8. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Gifts (1 item)
9. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Giftsets (23 items)
10. Drinks > Fortified Wines > Port > Port Styles > Vintage Ports (10 items)
11. Drinks > West Country Beers - Lagers (0 items)
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18% 19% 2000 375ml 75cl age aged Ageing aromas balanced barrel-aged barrels big blend blue blueberries Brothers Brown care cheeses chocolate Cockburn Cockburns combinations complex concentrated control dark dates deep delivered dessert desserts distinct dominate dried enjoyed excellent figs Fine finish flavours follow fortified fruit fruit-filled full-bodied General glorious grapes green harvest head heady high honey impression indication Jim lasting layered Lbv lead Liqueur long luscious magnificent Manager Muscat next nose nutty oak old olive palate partners peak perfection period Port quality raisined Reader ready reflect Regimental release rich rim ripe Roquefort Ruby single smooth softens spicy Tawny Vintage wine