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1. Drinks > Fortified Wines > Port > Aged Ports (18 items)
2. By Brand > Cottage Delight > All Cottage Delight Products (6 items)
3. By Brand > Cottage Delight (100 items)
4. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Cakes & Biscuits (8 items)
5. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Christmas Bakery (48 items)
6. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Easter (2 items)
7. Easter  > Chocolate Easter Eggs  > Easter Eggs by Brand > Cottage Delight Easter Eggs (4 items)
8. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Gifts (1 item)
9. By Brand > Cottage Delight > Cottage Delight Giftsets (23 items)
10. Drinks > Fortified Wines > Port > Port Styles > Vintage Ports (10 items)
11. Drinks > West Country Beers - Lagers (0 items)
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1780 2000 40% 70cl 75cl additional age aged amount Aromas balanced bearing big blend blueberries body bourbon Casks character Characterised Cockburn Cockburns complemented complexity delivered distillery dominate drinking easy finely finish flavour flavours founded full-bodied General Gold head hints Irish Jameson Jim layer layered lead least long Manager matured maturing next nose notes oak Olorroso Originally palate partially perfection Port pot produces Reader rich satisfying Sherry smooth spicy statement still tannins taste team thanks toasted traditional twenty undertones unmistakable unseasoned velvety Vintage violets virgin whiskey Whisky winemaking wonderfully wood