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Vineyard Candles

Vineyard Candles

Produced by Vineyard Candles in Wadebridge, North Cornwall. Having spent 15 years, melting glass and creating candles and in that time Vineyard Candles have won many business awards for their products, environmental credentials and ethics. 

Choose your favourite Wine or Spirit from our extensive selection and enjoy a haven of serene calmness, and order and gently cooling fragrant candles.


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13.5% 1996 1998 20% 75c 75cl acidity alcohol aromas Australian berry Berton Black blackberry Blanc blend Bottled Boundary bright complexity concentrated crisp deep displays drinking easy enviable example exemplified extreme finst flavours Fonseca Fonseca`s forged fresh fruit glass Guimaraens high huge intensely juicy jump lemon Merlot mulberry nose palate pears persistence Pinhao plenty plum plums Port Ports red refreshing reputation result rich ripe Sauvignon seafood Shiraz Soft style sublime sweet tannins texture Tropical unrestrained Valley value velvety Vermintino Vineyards Vintage wine wrapped zest