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Vineyard Candles

Vineyard Candles

Produced by Vineyard Candles in Wadebridge, North Cornwall. Having spent 15 years, melting glass and creating candles and in that time Vineyard Candles have won many business awards for their products, environmental credentials and ethics. 

Choose your favourite Wine or Spirit from our extensive selection and enjoy a haven of serene calmness, and order and gently cooling fragrant candles.


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1983 1985 1996 1998 20% 20.5% 2008 75cl aged ageing austere backbone balance berry blend body bottle Bottled classic complex complexity concentrated concentration considered decision declaration developed drawn drink example examples excellent exceptional filtration fining finst flavour flavours Fonseca Fonseca`s forms fresh fruit fullness general Guimaraens harmonious harvest intense intensely judged lacking late LBV lovely marvellously maturity natural normally oak Panascal Pinhao plenty Port ports powerful preserves quality Quinta ready red released result rich rich. In richness showy spend structure style sublime taken texture Valley vat vats velvety vineyards Vintage vintages wine wines youth