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Cheddars, Bries and Blues, they are all here, along with some more unusual Cheeses. As British Cheesemakers enjoy a renaissance, there isnt a better time to enjoy Cheeses from our local Somerset Farms, and noteworthy cheeses from further afield.


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12-18 180G 1950's 3.3kg+ 3pc 500G 75cl aggressive artisan Ayrshire Basque Bearn bite blackcurrant Blue Boursault Camel cheese citrus classic Clyde complexity Cornish country cow's cows cream creamy created Dairy due Dunsyre Errington fat fine flavours floral France French Garlic glass grapes Gray's hard hawthorn Henri high hills hint Horrell's Humphrey inventor Iraty leaves lees lemon Light lingers Loire lovely Lynher mellow milk months mould-ripened mousse mouth neighboring nettles Noir nose Originally Ossau outstanding palate pale pastures Pinot provinces Pyrenées rather Reichensteiner Rhone rich ripened Rivaner salty Scotland sharp taste textured Upper Valley vegetarian Whisky windswept wine wonderful wrapped Yarg