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Cheddars, Bries and Blues, they are all here, along with some more unusual Cheeses. As British Cheesemakers enjoy a renaissance, there isnt a better time to enjoy Cheeses from our local Somerset Farms, and noteworthy cheeses from further afield.


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113g 180g 220g after-taste artisan Blue Brie Britains buttery Caerfilli Carmeshire Carneth Caws Cenarth Cheese cheeses Chilli cider comparatively connoisseur cow's cream creaminess creamy d'Or D’Or dairy delicate delightful develops discerning divine finnish fragrant fresh fruit Fruits Golden gorgeous Las lemony Lime lingering mature maturity mild milk Mont orangey organic overtones partner perfect Perl pungency rind round satisfy similar simply small smart soft stripes strong stronger supple sweet taste texture triple tropical undulating unlike Vacherin Wales washed word young