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Wines, Champagnes, Spirits and Liqueurs along with Ciders and Champagnes, we have drinks for all occassions and budgets.


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12% 12.5% 13.5% 14% 14.5% 19% 1996 1998 20% 2000 75cl aromas Barros Berry blackcurrant blend blueberry bodied Bottle bottled bouquet bread British Broughton Cabernet cask characteristic cheese chilled Chocolate coffee coloured combination combines complex complexity creamy Dark deeply derived drinking easy elegant excellent Fine fine-grained finish flavour flavours Fonseca fresh fruit fruits Giftbox grapey Guimaraens hints intense Late Lifted liquorice long Merlot mocha moderate mulberry notes oak Old palate Pasture Port Ports power predominance Red reminiscent rich ripe roasts rounded ruby Smith spice spices structure Summer sweet sweetness Syrah tannin tawny Taylors toast traditional Valley Vintage volume Winner Woodhouse