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Cheese Selections for 4-6

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! This range will provide enough Cheese for 4-6 people.


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11.5% 2005 2009 200g 2010 220g+ 250g 40% 70cl 75cl Accompany aftertaste ageing Alison amber Appellation ash balance Based Biscuits Blanc Blancs Blunt bottle bread Breuil Calvados Camembert casks champagne Chateau Château Cheese classic clean coated company Competition Contrôlée cooking cows Creamy Cross crumbly crusty d'Auge Davenport's delicate develop did East elegance entirely Estate farm farmhouse father Financial fine finest flaky flavor flavour flavours floral fondue French fresh Fribourgeois fruits fruity generally Germanic gifts Ginger given Goats Golden gorgeously grapes graze green home International Limney London lovely Medal minimum Reichensteiner ripened Rustique Silver soft sparkling Spirit style texture Wensleydale wine