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1.25KG 12.5% 200g 500g 750g 75cl and are Apples approachable Apricots b-b-q's Babich barrel Belle bodied Brandy cellar Cello Champagne charms cheese cheeses Cherry Chestnut Christmas citrus Classic classy construction Cranberry Creamy cuvée delicate dry Durable enhanced Epoque example extremely fermented fine finer finish finnish fires flattering flavour flavours Fleur following fruit Fruits Gris Half handy heat impeccably iron Jouet Kuchenmeister layers lift long lovely Luxury Marc Marlborough Marzipan medium mild nectarine nose nuts partially pears Perrier Perrier-Jouet persistent pieces Pinot plump positioned prestige reason resist resistant rich richness Roaster Roasters roll Round Rum Schlunder sit soft Stollen style Succulent Wensleydale