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Cheese Selections for 4-6

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! This range will provide enough Cheese for 4-6 people.


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100g 11% 130g 1780 1pc 250G 380g 3pc 40% 400g 54g 5Pc 60g 70% 70cl 75cl 75g 98g acidic assortment balanced Bar bars Bees berries Bitter blend bourbon British casks Cava Cheese children Chocolate Chocolates Christmas Coffee cold Cows cream decorated delicious Dinner dried drink Drinking Duke estate finest Fish Flakes flavour flavoured fresh fruits Gifts Gold grown Guernsey Hand Heart hence herd Honeycomb individual James Jameson Milk Mosiac nuts oak originally pack patterns presentation Pudding random rich rind roasted rose sherry smooth solid strawberry studded stunning summer taste texture tiles truffle Truffles variety Waterloo Wellington’s Whiskey Whisky white wood