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Mulled Wine & Mince Pies Giftbox

Mulled Wine & Mince Pies Giftbox

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Seasonal Christmas Item
Available November to January


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13.5% 46% 70cl 75cl a memorably ages aim aromas balanced Bay beautifully becoming belies Big bite-sized bitter black body bold cask cedar character chocolate Christmas cinnamon citrus Clos coconut cold complex Complexity consistency Currently dark dinner distillery earthy effect essence Evening evolve examples excites expect fare festive finish first following fruit fruits Fudges further generous Giftbox Giftparcel Gigondas grenache-dominated guests hint integrate intensity Joncuas key knit leather light Lingering Lyme McLaren melts-in-your-mouth Mince Mini mint mocha morning morsels mouth Mulled nibble night nose notes nuances nutmeg offer offering palate partner Pastry patience Perfect Pies rich Ripe Springbank velvety wine Wira Woodhenge