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Cheese Selections for 6-8

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! Choose from "Best from the West", to English Classics, and "All the Blues" amoungst others. This selection will satisfy 6-8 people with a little left over!


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Cheese  > Cheese Selections > Cheese Selections for 6-8 (2 items)
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1kg 200g 300g 40% 70cl 70cl40% 75cl 900 Absolutely Adult age aperitif appearance Apple assorted assortment Asti Auchentosan Auchentoshan bag bathed Bean beans Belly Belly's Bellys berry-like Blackberries bottling Bridge Cabernet cake candies candy carry case cask category catering Certified Charantes Charentes Cherry chilled Chocolate Christmas Classic Coconut coins combinations complement Contents create crunchy deep des desserts dinner dispenser eat European events example excellent exclusively exotic fan favourite firmly flavour flavours fragrant Franc fresh fruit fuss!Gelatine gel generous gift Grape Green Jelly Kosher Liquorice Lowland Machine Malt Marshmallow Mini Mix official Pineau Reynac Rose sour Sours Toasted Whisky wonderful Wood