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125g 14% 18% 1983 2011 2013 20kg+ 46% 50cl 70cl 75cl abundant advantage ageing Alain attack barrel barrels Bay beautifully Belgian black blue Bordeaux bottled bourbon box Burgundy casks certified character Chateau CHEDDAR cheese-making cheeses chocolate Chocolates chosen clay climate Concours copper core Couronneau crafted creamy Creme cut Denhay desserts distilled Dorset Due elegant enjoy with Farm finely finish finished flavour Framboise fruit fruits Gold golden grape grass grow Guy Hearts hills his integrated. This is under-rated KEENS Lian Lians lies light Liqueur liqueurs Love loved lovely luxuriant Lyme Madeira Malt mild Penderyn praline rich Single small TRUCKLE Verdet Vintage volumes Whisky wine