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Cheese Selections for 4-6

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! This range will provide enough Cheese for 4-6 people.


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200g 475g 75cl aeration Aerator air aromatics Belgian big Bottle box Brut Champagne Champers Choclates Chocolatiers classic clever Clotted Cornish cows Cream creamiest cubes cuvee Daskalides delightful diet dry Easy elegant excellent excess expanding exposed exposure farm farm’s favourite fine Finest fits flavour flavours Fleur food France freely Fudge gadget gentle gently Giftbox gifts grade grapes grass graze heightens House Jersey kitchen Langier lovely lush Master meadows melt Meunier milk modern mousse mouth Noir offers oil olive Organic oxygen Paradis Paul Pinot ports practical presentation preserve Preserver produces quick removes Rheims Roskillys round securely silicone smoother snugly Soiree spirits Wine