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Cheese Selections for 4-6

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! This range will provide enough Cheese for 4-6 people.


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10gm 1kg 200g 200gm 20gm 225g 227g 350g 500g 500gm 50gm 5gm accompaniment Apple bap better bland border Brandy Brass Cast Cheddar chicken Chillies chopped chromed Chutney chutneys Cider Cider200g classic cold Country Cranberry cucumber Curried cuts delicious Devon devotee dinner dish Eastern fabulously finely Fire flavour follows food Fruit fruity Gammon Hand heights hint hints Indian indulgent International Iron Kitchen lifts lovely Mango Marmalade Mature meats Metric obvious onion Onions Orange Otter OtterVale Ottervale`s Ottervales Panetonne Panettone partners Pates Peach Peppers Pies Pineapple plate ploughmans poppadums pork Port poultry presentation proper real Robert sandwiches Sauce Somerset Weights West Westcountry