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10-year-old 100g 20% 375g 75cl Aged ages All-British all-butter and are aperitif Artisan attractive b-b-q's baked Big Biscuits bitter black body bold Britain British butter casks Cave caves cedar character Cheddar Cheese Chestnut chilled chocolate cloth clotted construction Country crafted cream Currently dark delicate Dows drinker Durable ebb Elegant English evolve Excellent Farm Fine finely finish fires flavour flavours flour flow following Ford freshly fruit gentle Gift giftbox Giftpack Glasses Grate grated Gruyére Gruyere hand hand-made heat hint Hole infused light modern natural nutty Otima palate perfect persistence pervasive Pistachio Port presented raisin Ripe subtle tawny Warres wine Wira Woodhenge Wookey