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Cheese Selections for 4-6

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! This range will provide enough Cheese for 4-6 people.


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Cheese  > Cheese Selections > Cheese Selections for 4-6 (0 items)
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Cashel Blue Cheese

Cashel Blue Cheese

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Fudges Mince Tarts 240g 12pc

Fudges Mince Tarts 240g 12pc

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Not available this year! Please check back next October


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1.45kg+ 12pc 240g 400g 75pc acidity African approachable artisan atop baby Baking balanced bed Bite-sized Blue blue.Produced blueing buttery Cakes cases Cashel character Cheese cheesemakers Christmas combination cookery County coupled course creamy Crozier Cups Delicious design dinner distinct easy-eating edged Ewes factors Fairy fare farmhouse fed feed fertile festive firm first fish flavour Friesian Fudges gentle grass guests herd indulgent intense Ireland's Lemon Lemons limestone little lovely melts-in-the-mouth memorably mild milking milky Mince mincemeat morning Morocco morsels mouth-watering Muffins nibble offer offset Olives Paper paste Pastry pastures Preserved Prime rich richly salty season semi-soft shellfish smooth soft staple Stripes texture