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 and 12.5% 12oz 13.5% 14% 350 500g 75cl 8pc accompanied acidity action air Apple Apples appley aromas attach Babich balanced bap barrel blackcurrant Blanc bodied bottle bready Brut built Cabernet Cake Capacity cassis character characters Chateau Cheddar Chenin Cherries chicken chopped Chutney chutneys Cider citrus clean clearly clever Cocktail coffee cold container Country Cremant cup Curried easy example fine finish flavours fluid fresh fruit glass glasses Gris Hills Langlois lid long Markers Marlborough old OtterVale oxygen pack Party Pinot Saumur Saver seal Shaker silicone smooth Stoppers structured suction surface themselves track unique Vacuvin Vibrant Vieilles Vignes Walnuts Welsh West wine