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Cheese Selections for 6-8

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! Choose from "Best from the West", to English Classics, and "All the Blues" amoungst others. This selection will satisfy 6-8 people with a little left over!


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Cheese  > Cheese Selections > Cheese Selections for 6-8 (2 items)
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100g 12.5% 75cl balanced Belgian blend bodied captures carefully Champagne characters chocolate Cognac Coillie Cointreau cream Dark delivery flavours fresh fruit Gianduja Hazelnut Jacali Jacalis James life lightly Marc Marzipan Milk Minimum nose Nougatine original Pienosud proper recipe red ripe Rosso shelf Sicily spicy sunshine truffle Truffles Van Well-balanced whipped Whisky wine