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Cheese Selections for 6-8

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! Choose from "Best from the West", to English Classics, and "All the Blues" amoungst others. This selection will satisfy 6-8 people with a little left over!


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Cheese  > Cheese Selections > Cheese Selections for 6-8 (2 items)
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110g 14pc 150g 16.5% 17pc 18pc 190G 200g 250g 39pc 454g 650g 70cl 75g Attractively Basket big black box Chambord cocktail combined Country Countrystyle crafted Cream decorated delicate delicious Duck entertaining essential finest finnish Fours France France's Fruits Gold Green hand Handmade handy honey Ice Liqueur list Lovely Madagascan magnificent Marzipan meal memorable occassion Orange pancakes Pate perfect Petit presentation presented Purple quality raspberries Raspberry red rich Royale Shepcote Shepcotes skillfilly slice Strawberrys Style summer table taste Thiol touch Tray vanilla world's