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Cheddars, Bries and Blues, they are all here, along with some more unusual Cheeses. As British Cheesemakers enjoy a renaissance, there isnt a better time to enjoy Cheeses from our local Somerset Farms, and noteworthy cheeses from further afield.


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210g 60% 6pc accompaniment artist balance Beautifully better Bia box bright Broccoli carefully character cheering Cheese Cheeses chunky Claire Clare delicious designed designer designs don`t duck Dulzoren easy entertaining favourite Fine finest forget gift gifts hand-made handle huggable illustrated impurities juices lamb Mackie Manchego meats Membrello Membrillo memebrillo mixed Mug mugs nestled nice Paddle Paste Plates porcelain present presented Quince remove renowned rustic Sauce Scottish served serving sieved Soup soups Spanish Stilton Stylish sugar taste tin together Traditionally wooden