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Cheese Selections for 4-6

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! This range will provide enough Cheese for 4-6 people.


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£15 12% 125g 13% 13.5% 14% 14.5% 18% 2013 50cl 75cl acidity age Alain aromas aromatic attractive Award Awards balanced Bay Belgian berry black blackcurrant Blanc blueberry Board box brilliantly Burgundy Cabernet certified characteristic Cheese Cheeseboard Chocolates classic coffee combination combines complex considering creamy Creme Crossroads dances Dark Decanter delicate delicious dense density derived doesn’t dosnt Due earth elegant fantastic fine fine-grained finish flavours fleshy Framboise Franc fresh fruit fruits Gewurztraminer ginger Guy Hearts it’s Knives Laguiole long Noir notes oak palate Pinot praline red Sauvignon small soft structure style stylish sweet sweetness tannins toast Trophy Verdet volumes wine Winemakers