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Cheese Selections for 6-8

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! Choose from "Best from the West", to English Classics, and "All the Blues" amoungst others. This selection will satisfy 6-8 people with a little left over!


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100g 125g 1kg 250g 375g Arborio Assorted assortment Athena Azienda Bain Barry Belgian Belgium Bitter box Cacao Champagne Chocolate Chocolates coin Coins Cointreau computerized Cream Creme Cup cups Dark delectable Delicate denominations desserts detailed dishes Dor Dors Easter Egg famous finest finished flaked flavoured foil Fondue Fours gift grown Hamlet Hamlets Hearts Ice imprint incredibly Italian Italy latest Liqueur liqueurs Love Marc Marie Martin melting Microwave Milk Mini molds Mousse net Northern Orange Petit plastic plated presented quality realistic region Remy Rice Risotto Set Simply striking suitable suited traditional Truffles tub Tulipe value Veneto warm White wonderfully Wrapped