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Cheese Selections for 4-6

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! This range will provide enough Cheese for 4-6 people.


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6-8 75cl Afternoon alternately AOC Apple Battenberg Brut Cake Champagne Champers check cheese Cheeses chocoholics Chocolate classic Clotted cold coloured Coulis covered Cows Cream cross Crumble cut cuvee d'Or deep Delicious delicious treat delight delightful delivery dinner displays distinctive Dorset dry due elegant enjoyed excellent fine flavours France Franche-Comte fresh fruit Fudge gentle Ginger grail grapes Heatherslaw holy hot House Ice icing juicy Langier layered light lovely March marzipan Meunier Milk moist Mont Montbeliard mousse Noir October offers party pattern Paul pieces pink Pinot preservatives Raspberry Raw recipe region Rheims Rhubarb Rich Round season section Serve Serves Simmentaler sponge topped Vacherin