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Cheese Selections for 4-6

Want to keep it simple? Just order one of our tempting Cheese selections! This range will provide enough Cheese for 4-6 people.


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100 100-120 100-140 100g 100ml 115 120 120-160 130 140 160 160-200 165 165-235 200 200G 20kg+ 235 30-40 30g 50-70 70-100 80-115 90-130 a characterful a superb abundant addition advantage Affidélice Affidelice Affine after-dinner aging alternative Aquila aroma Beth better between between 30 Black Blue border Cake Celebration Chablis Chanterelles Cheddar Cheese cheesecake Cheeses Classics Clover Cornish cream creamy Daisy decorations delicate Denhay Devon dishes English Epoisses flavour Florance fruity Gabi Goats Hannah Heather Isabella Lily lovely lovers mild Milk mix Oil Oke only decorations Ophelia predominately rich Rose serve Serves showcases smooth Spenwood Stilton Style Taster TRUCKLE Truffle Truffles Veronique West wonderful