Easter Shop Opening Hours & Contact details

Monday to Thursday 9am - 5.30pm (March 21st to 24th)
Good Friday CLOSED
Saturday 9am - 5.30pm
Sunday, Monday CLOSED
Tuesday 14th, Normal Hours resume (Monday-Saturday, 9.00-5.30pm)

Contact Hours: We are normally on site from 08.00 (or earlier!) and are often still here beavering away well after 6.30pm, so if its an urgent matter, do call outside the 09.00 to 5.30pm slot, as we may well be here. Click here for directions, and how to find us on the map.

Any queries or questions, please contact us on 01823 662899, or if calling from abroad, +44 1823 662899.

Prefer to send an email, then please click here. We are here to help!

Want to visit The Cheese and Wine Shop ...

we are located in South Street, Wellington. Click here to view us on the map. Our full address is ...

The Cheese and Wine Shop of Wellington,
11 South Street, Wellington, Somerset TA21 8NR
Phone 01823 662899
International dial code + 44 1823 662899