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Dessert Wines

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Dessert Wines

Dessert Wines

Celebrating? Entertaining, or Choose a special wine to accompany your Dessert; these tend to have a higher alcoholic content of around 14% to 20%.

Looking to match a dessert with a wine? Choose one of our dessert wines that will make your desserts memorable.

Dessert wines are ideally enjoyed in small glasses and treasured like a glass of Scotch. From floral and delicate to honeyed and luscious, there's a new favourite waiting to be discovered, and they make a a fantastic finale to your dinner party!

View our range of dessert wines that highlight the many styles these sweet treats can take.

Australian White Wines

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100% 17.5% 18% 37.5cl 375ml acidity ageing aromas Australian award backed balanced blend Brothers Brown Campbells care combinations concentrated control cream dates dessert dried enjoyed excellent experience figs flavours follow fortified fruit glorious golden Grains grape green heady high honey ice impression indication indulgent lasting Liqueur long luscious magnificent Muscat old olive palate peak period Petit Pour preventing quality raisin raisined ready reflect refreshing release rich rim ripe Rouge Rutherglen scrumptiously spirit sticky superior sweet tawny through toffee vanilla wine wines winner.A wood-matured