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Red Wines

Red Wines

Red Wines for all budgets and tastes, from New Zealand to Lebanon, and from Bordeaux to Barolo, you'll find the perfect bottle here!

Red Wines

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13% 13.5% 13.9% 14% 75cl age aged Alvara aromas audacious balanced beef berries big black blackcurrant brilliantly Cabernet Carmenère cassis character Chateau Chile class coffee complex considering Coyam Crossroads dark dense Domaine drop duck easy-drinking elegant example fantastic finish First flavours Fleet fleshy foods Franc French fresh fruit fruits full-flavoured Grileld heart herby hints impressive intensely jam Lamb Langlois lashings leafy lightly liquorice long lovely Merlot months morello Mourvèdre mulberry oak offers oozes packed palate pepper performs perfume perhaps pleasant plenty plum powerful raspberry red remarkably ripe robust Rouge Santa Saumur Sauvignon shiraz smooth smooth-textured soft spice Syrah tannins wine