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Here at The Cheese and Wine Shop, we have Wines for any occasion, and any budget. Supplying Wines to Wellington, Taunton, the South West and nationally, see our great range below. 

Next day service; why not combine your wine requirements with some of our great Cheeses?


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100cl 15% 50cl 75cl ages balanced Big biscuits bitter black blend body bold Bonacchi cedar centuries century cheerful Chianti chocolate Christkindl cinnamon cloves combination creating Currently dark dash Del delicious dessert earliest embracing ensures evolve experience extremely finish following Franz fruit ginger Gluhwein Glühwein half hint His Holy iced integrate Italy's knit leather lemons lingers McLaren medium Mince mint mocha Mulled nose nuances oranges origins palate partner patience perfected Pies plums raspberries recommend red rewarded rich Ripe Saint's Santo served Shiraz spices starts Stettner style sugar sweet texture tightly tones tracing traditional traditionally translates Vale Vin vintner wine Wira Woodhenge