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Here at The Cheese and Wine Shop, we have Wines for any occasion, and any budget. Supplying Wines to Wellington, Taunton, the South West and nationally, see our great range below. 

Next day service; why not combine your wine requirements with some of our great Cheeses?


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11% 12% 75cl ages alive alternative ample aperitif Big bitter black blackberry body bold Carpene Carpenč cedar celebrations Champagne chocolate clear complex crisp Currently dark delicate delicately DOC evolve expression finish flavours following Frizzante fruit gooseberry hint integrate knit leather lightly long Malvolti's Malvoti McLaren mint mocha mouth nose nuances palate palette patience plums Pol powerfully Prosecco raspberries Raspberry releases Reserve rewarded rich Ripe Roger Shiraz sparkling starts structured style sweet through tightly tones Vale value Vintage weddings wine Wira Woodhenge