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Here at The Cheese and Wine Shop, we have Wines for any occasion, and any budget. Supplying Wines to Wellington, Taunton, the South West and nationally, see our great range below. 

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13% 2003 75cl acidity ancient Anise apricots aromas aromatic baking Baron blackberry bodied bright Bronze Burgundian-style caramel character Charles chocolate citrus classy clean clear concentrated crisp darker Decanter Delicate Devil distinct earthy finish flavours focus Focused follow fresh fruit glass....Velvet Grapes HELL Heritage hills honey honeyed infamous l...beautifully Latour light light-bodied light-ruby Long Louis lovely magazine meat medal medium Milk Noir nose notes nuances palate Pauline peach perfumed persistent Pinot Poised Provence PURE red region Rich ripe rosé rose Sauternes Smith smoke sourced spice style substance Subtle suggests tannins Valmoissine value Var Vars Velvet Vermeil Vin Washington wild wine winner